Fullstack software engineer obsessed about video games, and the gaming industry!
I revisted one of my projects from 4 months ago, and here's a breakdown of the improvements made so far · I took some time to work on my existing...
Blurring images can be straightforward, but also quite complicated when you need to add a bit of customization to it · An image is made up of a number of...
This article offers a peek into how you can parse and render html content as native views on Android · During my early days of learning android...
I set out to build one of my favorite projects some time around June, and while I was able to complete it to some extent and successfully launched it,...
Last week, I did a bit of refactoring on Picashot's web service, and went through a rethink of how to store comments and replies in the database. I...
I was looking through the DeviantArt android application for features I could implement in my latest project that could be useful to have in the...